Knowing the machines and the process is the key to carrying out work to improve energy efficiency in the ceramic sector. This is the basis of the complete design and consultancy solution offered by SACMI taking care of every stage of the job and supplying certification and guarantees of the result.
The latest customer to benefit is Ceramiche Piemme based in Solignano, the long-established and well-known brand of high quality, top design ceramic wall and floor tiles which commissioned SACMI to make a complete plant for the recovery of the heat produced by the turbine. The medium-large sized turbine (power output 4.5 MW), amply satisfies the electricity requirements of the factory. SACMI’s job was to create a system to recover the heat contained in the fumes and direct it towards the two SACMI spray-dryers.
The system installed is designed to handle 53 thousand normal cubic metres per hour of 500 degree fumes. The fumes are channelled into a large conduit, which is nearly 140 metres long with a diameter of 1700 mm, and are then directed towards the two SACMI spray-dryers, ATM 036 and ATM 065, thus reducing the factory’s gas requirements by 6.7 million cubic metres of gas per year (meaning 13.2 tonnes less of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere).
With this system, SACMI has demonstrated its role as a leading player in the design of complex jobs in the co-generation field, providing guarantees and quality certification, all made possible thanks to its vast experience and knowledge of the machines and the process. Number one in the world as supplier for the ceramics industry, SACMI offers its customers a series of complete services with high added value, evaluating in advance the return on investment and offering precise guarantees regarding the performance of the machines on which the systems are installed.
The work carried out at Piemme, in particular, was completed thanks to latest generation software, programs for the simulation and control of the thermo-fluid dynamics inside the conduit and systems to guarantee the stability of the structure as required by seismic standards.
Carried out in February, this new system will allow Piemme to participate in the re-starting up of the sector with a new advantage in hand i.e. the ability to respond with concrete solutions to the theme of production sustainability and, especially, the question of recovering “thermal waste” – the real challenge and opportunity for the ceramics sector and for the manufacturing industry in general.
Furthermore, these solutions can be carried out with predictive programs where the energy requirement of the spray-dryers, as for any other machine, can be foreseen in advance.